Detective Kenneth

I will sleep when I die.

His Biography

His looks and personality

His trivia

His Biography

Name: Kirill Kenneth
Full name: Kirill Billie Kenneth
Place of birth: Los Angeles, USA
Billie Kenneth (Father)
Natalia Kenneth (Mother)
Unnamed Sister (Adopted Sister)
Unnamed Cousin (Cousin)
Beth Audley (Love Interrest)
Job: Detective
Rank: Police Detective LV.3

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Kirill Billie Kenneth was born on September 25,1984. He was only child of Billie and Natalia Kenneth. His father works as a former doctor and an owner of the local hospital that named Kenneth Hospital in LA and his mother works as government officer—in simple meaning, his family is rich.

Kirill graduated from Highschool in LA and studied in Criminal Justice at university in New York instead studied about doctor or hospital management to took over his father's company. (Can you imagine his father was nearly faint after his only child told that he wants to be a detective.)

He joins Los Angeles police department to work in gang and narcotics division of detective service group before got move to robbery-homicide division because his senior said his skill might useful with homicide section.

Now, Kirill is a police detective level 3 and still loves to go field job to investigate about homicide case by himself. Sometimes he had to trained young detective too.

His looks and personality

His Looks

His height was 6'2 ft. (1.89 m) and his body was a fit built.His eyes are hazel.His skin is fair.His hair is black and curly.He is a demisexual.
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His personality
Kirill is a detective police who selfless, believe in law and justice. He hates about grafting or outlaw and never give up on case. He is a hard-working person but he has a negative side too━Kirill is an alcoholic person and unfriendly in sometimes. He can be rude when he instigates suspect. He acts cold toward anyone who didn't work with him but for someone who close to him, he can shows some kind and compassion too.

His trivia

Kirill character was inspired by Detective Loki from movie Prisoners (2013).He prefers black coffee only.His vehicle is ford crown victoria.He also learns about material arts too.He can speak foreign language too.He was a movie nerd. (only star trek and thriller movie)